Enliven Your Job Description


It is most likely the first thing a candidate will read about your company.

The words on the screen need to sell the job and your company, right from the very start. They should not just inform; but inspire, excite and persuade the right candidate to hit apply at the end of the posting.

You need to bring your job description to life so the right people visualise themselves doing the job and just as important, unsuitable applicants are dissuaded and don’t send in their CVs.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of job postings are just a list of requirements and requests. Totally uninspiring. This allows TalentAttract’s job descriptions to scream out from the crowd.

Why are TalentAttract’s job descriptions so successful?

Having worked on 600+ job vacancies in the past, we’re proud to say we have never had a situation where a client was not happy with the calibre of candidates that were applying for their job vacancy. How do we do this?


A deep understanding of the company, the role, and the type of person who will be successful

We carry out as much secondary research on your company as possible. You send over your job specification or any information you have on the role.

We then have a 30 minute consultation where I ask questions to get the answers that will make the job description as attractive as possible for the right person.

A professional copywriter producing a compelling job description

Never underestimate the power of words. Since the dawn of time storytellers have captivated their audiences and brought out a range of emotions. We see it every day in books, music, tv, film, theatre and advertising. Our professional copywriter has been writing marketing material for over 15 years. Equally, for over a decade they have been using copywriting techniques to engage jobseekers. If you’d like to see these copywriting techniques in action, have a look at our snippets.


Turnaround in under 48 hours

After the 30 minute consultation highlighted above, we promise to have a first draft of your job description within 48 hours. You make your amends and then we move on to the advertising strategy.

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